Social networking is the most common way for
communication, Enterprise social network works as a bridge and creates
a strong bond between an employee and company. Here are 5 reasons
that shows why a company needs an enterprise social network.
Communication- perhaps, the most important and neglected life
skill at the same time. In this 21st century, people have somehow
lost the essence of effective communication. They speak but
hardly listen. It is just that they hear to revert not to understand.
This is the common scenario in households, friend circles, and
alas- even workplaces are not forbidden. And, you know, doing it
in workplaces creates blunders. Blunders- at times big other times
small. Moreover, at the end of the day, it hampers the productivity
of the employees and sales of the company.
The Loss- Loss situation of both sides!! In order to have a picture-
perfect organization, Enterprise Social Networks came into being.
We know the heart of millennial lies in using social applications like
Twitter and Facebook. So, what can be better than to introduce
ESN in the workspaces?
Just like you use social media applications to network with your
friends. In the same way, ESN platforms are used to have a fluid
and effective communication among the employees of an
organization. After all, which organization doesn't need integrity
and productive communication?
Zyncro makes collaboration easier and handy. It allows you to have
integrations with Google drive. Here, all the employees can have
access, share, and view profiles from any Google Drive account.
Employees should not dread the communication in the workplace. It
should be fun and pleasurable just like the way they use Whatsapp and
Instagram for instant messaging. They find it convenient and easy to
use. Similarly, ESN's like Slack and Clarizen are your workplace
buddies. They make your employees' lives easier and the workplace
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